What a week!!
I've handed in my work,stopped going to school and so I've decided to recollect my life back with friends, and new ones, and man has it been crazy. Lets talk about the good stuff first and talk serious later. LOL
Watched the Sequel to the Transformers today!!!!!!!! AWESOMENESS TO THE MAX TIMES A THOUSAND!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!
Honestly, I'm so glad a friend booked it for us and took us to watch in limited seats for the movie. I've never watched anything in IMAX, and what a perfect movie to watch it as this transformers movie was deliberately shot with 70mm film (for IMAX), and the first time to be done that way to! I was such in awe with HOW BIG the screen was, added the whole effect of the movie etc etc that I didn't stop making these unsubtle reactions from the beginning to the end LOL... kinda embarrasing since before the movie began my friend Trin and I, both IMAX virgins, (that easily sounded like a tampex commercial gone wrong) in astonishment to the size of the screen, we reacted by making this loud "oooooh,,,,uuuuu!!" sounds which were naturally followed by the turning of at least 5 heads in front of us, and long angry stares. Hahahah.
Story wise..we all know that isn't important..hahaha
I knew how the story would end, but its still great that I could still react to every turning point in excitement - I didn't stopped going WHOO!
Another movie I'm dying to watch

Where the Wild things Are by Spike Jonze.
Been following him since he made Adaptation. another late discovery, but oh well) Truly one of the brilliant modern directors and writers out there. To bad him and Sophia Coppola divorced, as they are both my heroes. Otherwise they would've made a hell of masterpiece together say they joined their genius brains together. Or romantically, as a couple, that would be the ideal, to have a partner with the same vision. I think so.
Anyway, I love these type of movies, and I've noticed the type of movies I respond to have a great theme to them, Yes,love - but also ones with great imagination that manages to tickle my inner child. I guess I've always had a peter pan syndrome. There's something reminiscent and bittersweet about being a kid and living in your own made up world.
"An adaptation of Maurice Sendak's classic children's story, where Max, a disobedient little boy sent to bed without his supper, creates his own world--a forest inhabited by ferocious wild creatures that crown Max as their ruler". - imdb ( can't write a synopsis since i haven't watched it! ;p)
I've handed in my work,stopped going to school and so I've decided to recollect my life back with friends, and new ones, and man has it been crazy. Lets talk about the good stuff first and talk serious later. LOL
Watched the Sequel to the Transformers today!!!!!!!! AWESOMENESS TO THE MAX TIMES A THOUSAND!!! WOOOHOOO!!!!
Honestly, I'm so glad a friend booked it for us and took us to watch in limited seats for the movie. I've never watched anything in IMAX, and what a perfect movie to watch it as this transformers movie was deliberately shot with 70mm film (for IMAX), and the first time to be done that way to! I was such in awe with HOW BIG the screen was, added the whole effect of the movie etc etc that I didn't stop making these unsubtle reactions from the beginning to the end LOL... kinda embarrasing since before the movie began my friend Trin and I, both IMAX virgins, (that easily sounded like a tampex commercial gone wrong) in astonishment to the size of the screen, we reacted by making this loud "oooooh,,,,uuuuu!!" sounds which were naturally followed by the turning of at least 5 heads in front of us, and long angry stares. Hahahah.
Story wise..we all know that isn't important..hahaha
I knew how the story would end, but its still great that I could still react to every turning point in excitement - I didn't stopped going WHOO!
Another movie I'm dying to watch

Where the Wild things Are by Spike Jonze.
Been following him since he made Adaptation. another late discovery, but oh well) Truly one of the brilliant modern directors and writers out there. To bad him and Sophia Coppola divorced, as they are both my heroes. Otherwise they would've made a hell of masterpiece together say they joined their genius brains together. Or romantically, as a couple, that would be the ideal, to have a partner with the same vision. I think so.
Anyway, I love these type of movies, and I've noticed the type of movies I respond to have a great theme to them, Yes,love - but also ones with great imagination that manages to tickle my inner child. I guess I've always had a peter pan syndrome. There's something reminiscent and bittersweet about being a kid and living in your own made up world.
"An adaptation of Maurice Sendak's classic children's story, where Max, a disobedient little boy sent to bed without his supper, creates his own world--a forest inhabited by ferocious wild creatures that crown Max as their ruler". - imdb ( can't write a synopsis since i haven't watched it! ;p)