010 has been a whirlwind of excitement for me. Which is why I haven't blogged so long. From my last entry about becoming an Art Director, to being involved and winning my first pitch. And all the learning curves about communication, presenting and conceptualizing. Even to the details of execution: graphic design, photography , storytelling right down to production techniques that I've hopefully stepped up a little. The work is still incredibly demanding, particularly from the clients side. A million revision for a print ad layout, or tvc concept, or storyline etc can be a daily event. Which is something you need to be smart at dealing with so that your work can still come through. Although sometimes you have no choice! It can get stressful sometimes but once done can be so rewarding. There were sad moments like friends at work that I've become close too, chose to resign. That shows how fast the pace in the industry is. I utilize all of my skills which is great for my personal exploration. One of the greatest challenges I'm slowly trying to enhance is speed, and my communication skills. Particularly in public speaking or presenting.
It takes a particular skill to explain thoroughly, be fun and to be understood without sounding domineering. I've learned one miss communication can ruin so much time and effort. Also I have felt my patience being tested in all areas all too well. But we've had plenty of fun. I've been involved in 7 productions so far (6 Sharp TVC's, 1 Relaxa TVC), directed 6 photo shoots. All fun, and met lots of interesting people.

Traveling Highlights:
Singapore! 3 day office outing which was insane!
Bandung - stayed a night a former colleagues wedding
Bogor (cilember) - Hiking and light rafting with friends

But one of the greatest highlights that year was my entry to Daun Muda Award!
Its a competition segment created for young creatives under 30 made by Citra Pariwara (Indonesia's advertising festival). The winner is selected to compete again in an Asia pacific award festival called AdFest in the "Young Lotus" Category held in Thailand.
The theme of this years brief was called People Movement. The brief was to bring in a social issue and create a campaign to 'move' people to participate in solving that issue. My partner and I made a social campaign called "LOVE INK" to help relief the victims of an earthquake in a province called Yogyakarta. All we did was spread the message to people (particularly around our agency, because they are creative people :P) to create messages of hope on a plain white shirt. Surprisingly people went crazy doodling, painting creating artworks on their own knowing it was a good cause. I was really ecstatic because it combined my dream to help people using creativity! The process of making the campaign was rewarding enough.
I went through a crazy journey of creating the logos, printing etc. Sure I admit it wasn't a detailed and thorough campaign. But it got people uploading the stuff on facebook even though we didn't ask! After that did we made the facebook page, haha ... and also with the help of my friend we compiled a video with motion graphics. The nightmare, however, began on the the eve of deadline when our shirts didn't come through Yogyakarta. Ironically because the province was still recovering and they shut down the airport. We called the volunteer (a friend from our account manager) to advise us, but no avail. So we panicked when we didn't have a solution - I thought we should just be honest. So we sent the keynote presentation stating that, we don't know what the result is. Hahahaha...
o my dibelief we got in as top 10 finalist!! And we finally got the pictures of the people in Yogya wearing our shirts a few day later! I know it sounds like nothing big, but it was a huge turning point and learning curve for me. The 3 days that led to the awarding night was literally the most nerve wrecking days of my life. My partner (copywriter: Adra) and I were only given 10 minutes to present (in English) a thorough communication strategy about our campaign - in front of a panel of international and local Creative Directors. That night was interesting for me, and I got to meet a number of young creatives from other agencies. However, I've always felt I express myself better in English. So I felt quite confident in my presentation even though my heart was about to burst! I'm starting to understand how to present in theory and how to notch it up to make it interesting.
Learning points: Never Rush. Always be thorough.
Second day, we were told to enter a pre-seminar at Citra Pariwara. Where they will announce the top 3. We didn't get in. I had mixed feelings, one being that "Well I obviously need to learn to be better" feeling, second when I saw the presentations, well, "why?" I was relieved during Awarding Night I got to talk to the Juries where I got some interesting insights. I talked to Mr. Chukiat. J. CCO of Flagship Euro BKK, and a local Creative Grouphead from a multinational agency, that explained to me what wasn't working. Our campaign and presentation was a success, unfortunately he believed a moral message can only uplift a persons spirit so much. The real challenge is to bring concrete, visible solutions. Other wise I also learned that in creating mass communication, we shouldn't be smarter than the people. When you ask people to do something, make it simple. So that anyone from all walks of life can participate easily.
I got tremendous support
from everyone in the agency, but I was more surprised when my boss sent us to attend Adfest in Phuket last March! Firstly I was just happy to come back to the land of Thai since its been so long. But I was so surprised they sent us to stay in Phuket for four days!! Was a huge privilege to attend the festival. All the industries hotshots were there! Three people including myself were sent, but only myself and my colleague (art director: Chacha) entered the event. We met a great deal of important people in the industry both local and worldwide. But we also attended the 3 days seminar, up till the Awarding Night and after party at the beach! I was blown away by every piece of work that was shown. And the seminars conducted weren't only about advertising but films, music and design. I wont share much of it here since I already made a detailed presentation for my team last week. I also discovered an interesting fact from meeting a person from BKK: One of the tvc's that we made had been adapted to a Thai version!! How weird is that!!

The last day my colleagues and I went to the beach in Phi Phi Island! I have never been there and I have to say, what a paradise!! Such a gorgeous getaway. I just wished I was the only in the beach. Also a first time experience was watching the infamous but disturbing Ping Pong show. Only this one used a balloon. YUCK! Just watching a woman lift up her skirt for show alone is disgusting! But putting a balloon in there?? Why do you have to that to yourself lady?? Surely you can do something steadier like cleaning the dishes?? Or pop something less disturbing
like pimples!

Traveling Highlights of this year:
Sukabumi Rafting: With friend and made random friends
Phuket, Thailand : ADFEST BABY!!
All in all its been
a great year of struggle that I've felt I've reaped the 'rewards'. I've met too many people that can be both challenging and inspiring. I've felt like I've changed as a person too, and I'm more confident in expressing myself. But I got heaps to learn. And more to reach. I'm truly blessed! 

It takes a particular skill to explain thoroughly, be fun and to be understood without sounding domineering. I've learned one miss communication can ruin so much time and effort. Also I have felt my patience being tested in all areas all too well. But we've had plenty of fun. I've been involved in 7 productions so far (6 Sharp TVC's, 1 Relaxa TVC), directed 6 photo shoots. All fun, and met lots of interesting people.
Traveling Highlights:
Singapore! 3 day office outing which was insane!
Bandung - stayed a night a former colleagues wedding
Bogor (cilember) - Hiking and light rafting with friends

But one of the greatest highlights that year was my entry to Daun Muda Award!
Its a competition segment created for young creatives under 30 made by Citra Pariwara (Indonesia's advertising festival). The winner is selected to compete again in an Asia pacific award festival called AdFest in the "Young Lotus" Category held in Thailand.
The theme of this years brief was called People Movement. The brief was to bring in a social issue and create a campaign to 'move' people to participate in solving that issue. My partner and I made a social campaign called "LOVE INK" to help relief the victims of an earthquake in a province called Yogyakarta. All we did was spread the message to people (particularly around our agency, because they are creative people :P) to create messages of hope on a plain white shirt. Surprisingly people went crazy doodling, painting creating artworks on their own knowing it was a good cause. I was really ecstatic because it combined my dream to help people using creativity! The process of making the campaign was rewarding enough.
I went through a crazy journey of creating the logos, printing etc. Sure I admit it wasn't a detailed and thorough campaign. But it got people uploading the stuff on facebook even though we didn't ask! After that did we made the facebook page, haha ... and also with the help of my friend we compiled a video with motion graphics. The nightmare, however, began on the the eve of deadline when our shirts didn't come through Yogyakarta. Ironically because the province was still recovering and they shut down the airport. We called the volunteer (a friend from our account manager) to advise us, but no avail. So we panicked when we didn't have a solution - I thought we should just be honest. So we sent the keynote presentation stating that, we don't know what the result is. Hahahaha...
Learning points: Never Rush. Always be thorough.
Second day, we were told to enter a pre-seminar at Citra Pariwara. Where they will announce the top 3. We didn't get in. I had mixed feelings, one being that "Well I obviously need to learn to be better" feeling, second when I saw the presentations, well, "why?" I was relieved during Awarding Night I got to talk to the Juries where I got some interesting insights. I talked to Mr. Chukiat. J. CCO of Flagship Euro BKK, and a local Creative Grouphead from a multinational agency, that explained to me what wasn't working. Our campaign and presentation was a success, unfortunately he believed a moral message can only uplift a persons spirit so much. The real challenge is to bring concrete, visible solutions. Other wise I also learned that in creating mass communication, we shouldn't be smarter than the people. When you ask people to do something, make it simple. So that anyone from all walks of life can participate easily.
I got tremendous support

The last day my colleagues and I went to the beach in Phi Phi Island! I have never been there and I have to say, what a paradise!! Such a gorgeous getaway. I just wished I was the only in the beach. Also a first time experience was watching the infamous but disturbing Ping Pong show. Only this one used a balloon. YUCK! Just watching a woman lift up her skirt for show alone is disgusting! But putting a balloon in there?? Why do you have to that to yourself lady?? Surely you can do something steadier like cleaning the dishes?? Or pop something less disturbing
like pimples!
Traveling Highlights of this year:
Sukabumi Rafting: With friend and made random friends
Phuket, Thailand : ADFEST BABY!!
All in all its been