Max and Mary is a beautiful tale of friendship about two people from two different countries who found solace with each other as pen-pals. Sounds typical? They fall in love? I myself am shocked to learn, No. This is far from typical. This story unfolds the journey of true friendship, even as physically distant as they were.
Both are united by their utter confusion with the world. Mary is a young Australian girl living with an unorthodox drunk of a mother and a father whom makes a lifetime career in a factory as the person attaching strings on tea bags. She is a curious, brightminded girl whose confidence is shaken by both her mother's nasty upbringing and ill mannered boys making fun of her looks. One day she decides to send a letter to a random person on the other side of the world, to learn where babies come from. That random letter and question was received by Max, a Jewish New Yorker, who is overweight, and has fear of being in contact with people. Following this the years and contentment in both of their lives were flourished by their friendship, love of chocolates and The Noblets.
Watching the trailer you might think its a comedy, and although it is wrapped by the hilarious thoughts they share, the circumstances Mary had to face growing up are the most unthinkable horrid events one could not even think of surviving. In short their love for life was saved by their friendship..
This story is deeply moving. It also contains profound words that make me started to reflect on my friendships and the people that have always looked over me in my darkest, most unbearable hours. It made me ask myself who my real friends are? What they see me as? Or who are those that have accepted me entirely as an individual? And whether I've ever shown them enough affection and gratitude for this?
I'm always baffled at how a correspondence no matter how short, or whether it takes the form as an online chat or an email, can have a great impact and change everything. It made me sentimental to think how physically apart they all are, and how different the paths we are leading. Regardless how different the culture, the time, the distance, yet they ALWAYS manage to have time be understanding. Sometimes I feel like I have to work on being better at corresponding to them, and not fixate on my crazy little world.
To have someone to listen and reassure you just when you feel you want to jump from the edge of the abyss is an incredible treasure. I cherish everyone who cares in my life. Because I think the most honest facet of a person is when we are young and when we are at our worst. I hope I'll never take any of it for granted!! :))